Annual Reports
Annual Report 2021

This report is dubbed “ Advancing the Rights of Vulnerable Groups through Innovation and Micro-granting”. During this period, HURIA designed innovative interventions and set aside 6.3% of its total income for 2021 to facilitate access to justice and human rights for women, at-risk youth, and PWDs. This annual report is a break from the previous multiple years – biennial and triennial reporting patterns to allow for our special decades of existence report anticipated at the end of 2022.
Triennial Report (2018-2020)

This is the third edition of HURIA’s abridged Triennial Report dubbed Footprints of Justice running for the period 2018 to 2020. The report gives highlights of key achievements recorded over three years of implementing 16+ projects in the three counties of Mombasa, Kwale, and Kilifi. With a budget of slightly over Kshs.88 million, our work focussed on four thematic areas including access to justice, police reforms and accountability, inclusive governance, and accountability as well as prevention, and countering of violent extremism.
Triennial Report (2015-2017)

This is the second edition of the Footprints of Justice titled “Advancing Human Rights in the Era of Shifting Temporalities”. This triennial report provides a comprehensive summary of the key human rights concerns, priorities, and responses by HURIA over the last 3 years covering the period from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2017. During this reporting period, the organization’s work focused on responding to four major priority areas. The first priority area sought to enhance public safety and security, peace, and stability. It sorts to address urban organized crime and gender-based violence, electoral violence, and political conflicts through a human rights-based approach. It also responded to the issue of street families as a threat to public safety and security.
Biennial Report (2013-2014)