Inclusive Governance and Accountability

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Human Rights Agenda firmly believes that every person has the right to enjoy their human rights in accordance with the Constitution of Kenya, other laws, and the International human rights Instruments. This is why HURIA has been at the forefront of researching, monitoring, and implementing policies & fighting for justice for the communities since its inception. HURIA has, therefore, designed the following thematic areas in accordance with the rule of law of Kenya and internationally accepted laws of Human Rights:

How we enhance Inclusive Governance And Accountability

Eleven years after the introduction of devolution, inequality remains to be one of the most
significant challenges facing Kenyans. Community voices and dissent continue to be
repressed diminishing the high hopes and expectations that ordinary citizens had for the
inclusion of marginalized groups in socio-economic and political development.
HURIA aims to improve capacity of oversight bodies including CSOs in monitoring public
resources, restore citizen confidence and enthusiasm in the electoral process.

  • We capacitate state and non-state actors through trainings and civic engagement to
    amplify community voices and accountability spaces
  • We support stakeholder’s collaboration and key actors’ engagement
  • We reinforce formulation, review, and audit of key national and county legislation
    and policies, through a human rights-based framework.