Research Reports

Who’s Next?

An Account of Enforced Disappearances in Kwale County. This report is titled “Who’s Next?”, alluding to community members’ fears about who’s the next victim of involuntary disappearance. Which family will have to live through the anger and agony caused by extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances?

Where are the Police?

Incessant burglaries, stealing and theft continued to plague the Kwale Municipality within the headquarters of Kwale County in late 2021 to 2022. Over 40 incidents of housebreaking were reported in less than a year where burglars randomly struck at houses making away with electronics, cash, and jewelry collectively worth over five (5) million Kenyan shillings without a trace whatsoever.

Lifting the Veil

Lifting the Veil of Corporate Impunity is a compilation and summary of court cases, study and media reports and analysis on the environmental concerns and impacts of ARM Cement Ltd (formerly Athi River Mining Limited). The impacts and concerns are with regard to the operations of the company with effects touching on Health, Environment, Safety and labour relations of communities living in or around Kaloleni and Rabai constituencies of Kilifi County

Unmasking COVID 19 Fund Expenditure

The reported level of corruption and bureaucratic interference continue to negatively affect performance of county and national government institutions and departments mandate with key functions. The blatant corruption and abuse of office by duty bearers and public officers continues unabated. For instance, investigation from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) say preliminary findings have shown that several laws on public procurement were flouted during the awarding of the COVID-19 tenders .

Mining and Environment

The assessment was conducted to 30 small scale and large scale mining companies in Kilifi, Kwale and Taita Taveta Counties. A total of 10 large scale and 20 small scale mining companies mainly distributed in the mineral belt of Kasighau, Kishushe and Mwatate in Taita Taveta County, Kuranze, Maumba - Shimba hills area and Waa in Kwale County and Jaribuni, Gongoni, Ganze and Tezo in Kilifi County.

Beyond Shadows of Justice

This is HURIA’s special report on its response to alleged denial, infringement, violation and threatening of human rights against members of the public. The report gives an overview of the typical complaints and disputes on human rights violations received in the interest of members of the public who cannot act on their own behalf. It gives an analysis of the complainants and recommendations for improving the organizations response to public complaints drawing from cases filed between 2013 to the first half of 2018.